How to archive NetSuite’s File Cabinet to Google Drive

If you want to archive and back up the files in your NetSuite File Cabinet to Google Drive, you can easily achieve this with a custom-built archiving application. In this article, I’ll outline the steps that you can take to build your own application written in your preferred programming language. If you’d rather skip the […]

How to connect to NetSuite’s SuiteTalk REST API using Python

Connecting to NetSuite’s SuiteTalk REST API can be complicated. The Python code below has been tested and works 100%. It uses token-based authentication (TBA) to connect to the NetSuite REST API. First, install the necessary libraries: pip install requests requests-oauthlib Create a new code file with the code listed below. Type in your account ID, […]

How to connect to NetSuite’s SuiteTalk REST API using node.js

Connecting to NetSuite’s SuiteTalk REST API can be complicated. The node.js Javascript code below has been tested and works 100%. It uses token-based authentication (TBA) to connect to the NetSuite REST API. First, install the necessary node modules: npm install axios oauth-1.0a crypto-js querystring Create a new code file with the code listed below. Type […]

How to set up token-based authentication for NetSuite’s SuiteTalk REST API

There are several ways of setting up authentication to access NetSuite’s SuiteTalk REST API. The most common way is to use token-based authentication (TBA). Here’s what we need to do to set up TBA. You need to log into NetSuite with an Administrator account. You need to enable the REST API feature: Go to Setup […]

How to build a custom integration between PayPal and NetSuite

Why Connect PayPal to NetSuite? If you are operating in the e-commerce space, having all your systems integrated and speaking to one another is crucial for your overall productivity, operational efficiency, and improved customer experience. If you are a business that uses NetSuite; that is involved in e-commerce, digital goods, or subscription services; and you […]